Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tsunami Report

I am republishing this because I was unclear about it when I first posted it. This is a report from a friend who was in Thailand when a smaller tsunami hit July 24th (yes, just weeks ago)...

On the 24th night around 12:30 am, we were woken up by a phone call from a friend who warned us of some terrible danger that was about to happen, and she asked that we watch the news too. So we turned on the news and there the prime-minister of the country was announcing that there was a 7.3 degree of quake erupted in the Andaman sea and a small to medium scale of Tsunami was predicted to hit Karon and Kata Beaches first. Karon is the area where we were residing. And we only have less than 20 minutes to flee to higher ground. We were less than 5 minutes walk away from the beach, taking in consideration of waking up 3 deep sleepers plus gathering up important documents with us, run down the stairs to the road, that would probably take us 15 minutes. Then what? 20 minutes is not enough to do anything. On the other hand, the road was packed with panic residents who were trying to be first to get out to higher ground but because no one want to be left in danger, so instead slow down the traffic flow. What to do? We have no choice but to stay back in our room and stay on our knees for His Great Will to be done. When Chris went down to the lobby/restaurant to find out first hand from the locals for more details, I was left alone on my knees in great peace seeking His Plan. I forgot how long I knelt, but half an hour past, then 1 hour, then 1 and a half. I knew He wants us to stay on to continue to be use by Him and therefore Tsunami was steered away from us! Praise His Name!

In following up, she told me that the tsunami did not kill anyone, but it did destroy some stuctures and stuff of that nature.


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